Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Chew Chew Cherry

Remember the old Kool Aid flavors? Choo Choo Cherry replaced the politically incorrect Chinese Cherry. I'm thinking about renaming my 3in1 cherry tree Chew Chew Cherry, because something is chewing off all the pollinated blossoms and their tiny, green cherries. It's chewing them halfway up the stems, leaving me with evidence that I will not be harvesting a bumper crop this year. That is politically incorrect too, leaving no fruit for the gardener who brought the tree into your habitat. I love the birds and am happy to share the bounty with them, but share is the operative word here! Still, I am providing them with a service and if eating my cherries will get them through another day, I should not complain.

When the blossoms started blooming, I noticed that the branches were lower on the right side of the tree. It worried me that the heavy fruit from last year had permanently lowered the branches, pushing them even closer to the potential for breaking one day, from the weight of the fruit. As the branches are more horizontal, the blossoms open earlier on the right side. The rest of the tree is now blooming 3 weeks later.

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