After years of testing tomato cultivars in my San Francisco garden, I am well aware that cherry tomatoes are the most successful and rewarding type for our climate and foggy summers. But this is yet another attempt to try to grow a beefsteak tomato in this coastal climate. I shutter at the thought of buying plants at "big box" stores because I know full well they often offer plants that are inappropriate to our area. Still, when I saw 2 foot tall tomatoes at Costco, I just had to give them a try. They were selling 3 different varieties for under $10 per 3-pack (a penny under...who's fooling who?). Even though one was Early Girl, a tomato I don't even think is worth buying, I bought a pack for the other 2 types that were included, a beefsteak and Black Krim.
My thought is that if I can plant a tomato this early in the season, that is already that mature, it may be my best shot for a cultivar that usually takes 85 to 90 days to mature. As you can see, they are already too big for my makeshift cloches after 2 weeks, but the weather is starting to warm up and I remain hopeful.