Monday, February 16, 2009

Ambridge Rose and Medallion

This has been another oddball Winter with a warm February that has thrown the garden into a frenzy of rapid growth, just to be zapped by the cold that is still to come. Case in point, this lovely David Austin Ambridge Rose. This should be blooming in late Spring, but it's jumped the gun and is showing off a fine display now, even though it was pruned back in mid January. The color is a bit off too, appearing more pink than the pale apricot it usually becomes. Below is a photo taken last year of this same rose with its more characteristic apricot color.
Medallion, on the other hand has it's traditional color and was not pruned back this year...mostly because I couldn't get to it through the Bermuda grass! Both roses have lovely fragrance and I look forward to more of them when the weather warms up again.

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